Monday, January 17, 2011

"-Isms" Part 1

Some of my posts are going to look back at things that never got written down, or put in albums about Tae or Syrena's first few years. This is one I've been carrying around in my head now for years.

Those funny, quirky words little ones make up when they are first learning to talk. They are so precious, I don't want to ever forget them!


"I don' wan" + a waving hand motion = standard phrase for "no thank you", usually in reference to food. :p

"Super double candy" = a superlative, really really exciting or excited. "The new Star Wars video game I got for Christmas is super double candy awesome!"

"Nursies" = The things on your Mommie that have milk.

"Nursie Pad" = The piece of clothing your Mommie uses to cover her nursies.  A friend overheard an argument between 5 year-old Tae and her 4 year-old daughter while we were doing laundry at the beach. Tae says helpfully: "Here's your mom's nursie pad." H replies indignently: "That's not a nursie pad, it's a 'bra-er'!" We still chuckle over that exchange.

"Jounst" = The body part that hangs down behind your peepee and contains 2 little balls. That's right, he made up an entirely new word. I guess we had never had an occasion to discuss the individual parts of the male anatomy. He knew the word penis. We used it as well as peepee, and told him that was just a silly name for a private part. Anyway, I guess it never occured to us (me) that as he was learning individual body parts to name the scrotum as well as the penis. So one evening he's getting undressed for the bath he very matter-of-factly refers to his "jounst" and I do a double take. I politely ask him to repeat. He says (pointing); "You know, this, the part that hangs down behind my peepee and has the two little balls in it, my jounst!" He's like, duh Mom, jounst. You supposedly have a biology degree, and you don't know the jounst.

1 comment:

  1. One of Tae's that Grant and I still say is "But I neeeeeeeed it." hehe :)
