Friday, January 28, 2011

Busy Start of 2011!

Lots of things have been going on in the Ketcham household during the first few weeks of the New Year!


Tae started Basketball. He's on a team with one of his best friends, his coach is that friend's mom and Tom as the Assistant Coach! Yay, Daddy! Yay, Tae! They are having a great time. Mom, Syrena and Sara tried to attend the 1st game which happened to be right about lunch/nap time for Syrena, plus she might have been getting a cold. Let's just say the entire gym heard her screaming from out in the hallway, and "The Girls" will now ONLY be attending the 4pm games. Fortunately, there are two of those, including one today that I'm very much looking forward to going to AFTER Syrena wakes up from a nap :P (Update – the game was great, the team came back from a sleepy first half to shock the opposing team with their tough defense! Syrena loved cheering for Tae "Go Bubba, Go Bubba!" and Sara wondered why Mama was screaming like a crazy lady – (well, I had to get our team fired up – we were getting steamrolled – and Tae was actually listening to me for once!))

Tae also attended his first sleep over. Yes, a bit later than many kids, but he wasn't at ALL interested until fairly recently, after he had developed a few pretty strong friendships. Then, with boys and their early Saturday morning sports schedules and church, getting one actually planned took some time! It was a fantastic success, and I'm sure there are many more in our future - Yay! The sleepover was followed by big-time go-karting in Fredericksburg for his friend's 8th birthday. For this kind of go-kart, the minimum age is 8 years old, they go FAST! The boys and their dads had a blast!


Syrena started her first "real" ballet class at Warrenton Ballet Academy. She took "creative movement" over the summer, and refused to let Mommy leave the room. This is not allowed in the next class up, so I had to wait a while. She was finally ready after Christmas when all she wanted to watch was the Angelina Ballerina show and The Nutcracker Ballet performed by the Bolshoi Ballet Company on TV. She is having a great time, loving every minute of it. I have not had to stay one single second of class, and she's very proud to be in "big girl' ballet class! It's so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it!!!!


Sara has been a busy lady as well. She learned that cabinet doors and drawers open. This discovery delights her! Fortunately I already have locks on the important ones since Tae was a baby. She also discovered Sadie's food and water. This discovery delights her even more that the drawers!! It annoys Mommy. If I place her down on the kitchen floor, she makes a beeline for the dog bowl. Man, it's a pain in the you-know-what! Lastly, Sara was attacked by a falling fireplace tool while Mommy sat idly browsing Facebook by the fire. Yes. Completely my fault, I should have moved the dang cast iron things, but I didn't, and Sara started to play with one of them and it fell off the stand and hit her. In the face. And I'm guilty of not protecting her. And she had her 9 month photos scheduled.

Pictures of Sara to come, they're on Tom's computer.

1 comment:

  1. omg - Look at that precious ballerina! Perfect little tippy toes!!!!!
