Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/1/11. New Year, New Blog. I hope.

New Year's Resolution. Write (brag) about my children, our lives and the insanity that ensues when you have 3 kids, a dog, a buncha fish, a busy ADD mom with migraines and a husband with a start-up company. Phew! We're a crazy bunch, no doubt. Tae is brilliant, highly energetic, athletic, crazy and nearly 8 1/2. Syrena is mega-brilliant like her brother, is a diva, loves girly things and is 3. Sara has just started to crawl, loves to eat and is just 9 months. Let me explain what I mean with a photo for each child.

This is Tae with his Lollipop from Santa. It's called the Hissy Fit. It's a snake, and it's gigantic. He's a ham, and has been photogenic from birth. He's also always LOVED having his picture taken. I even used going to have pictures taken as a bribe when he was younger.

This is Syrena, our diva. She hates to have her picture taken. Having our Christmas card picture (which is still not sent out yet - another story) was torture. When she does "smile", it's often more of a grimace, rather than a smile, and she refuses to look at the camera. Unless she's in JUST exactly the right mood and JUST exactly the right time. Which is usually NOT when I have a camera in my hand.

And now Sara. She's ON THE MOVE!!!! She's got a world to explore. Or at least a living room and kitchen. If Mama will let her.

Sara overcame all the obstacles I put in the way of her learning to crawl during Christmas. Like: keeping her in big pjs which wound her legs up. Doorway jumper. Exersaucer. Highchair. Putting toys all around her while she was sitting so she didn't need to explore. Sling/front carrier. She overcame them all. this girl will not be stopped!

Let the craziness escalate!!!!!!!!! (that spelling looks wrong, but I spell-checked it.)

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