Saturday, March 26, 2011


The illness at Ketcham Hill has hit an all-time high. All three kids plus Daddy.

Sara is turning ONE in just a few days. Her birthday party is in six days, as of this evening.

I was planning on sending out *these* as her invitation:

because they perfectly match the cake idea that I fell in love with six months ago:

Sort of. Well, it's the *idea* that I fell in love with, the cake needs tweaking. It will probably morph into a mix of that one and this one:

Anyway, problem is, I've been derailed by The Sickies!

I've started those invitations, but not sent any. I ordered a die cut to make the butterflies. I went to pick it up from the friend I ordered it from, and borrow her die cutter. He kids are also very sick. She left the cutter on the porch for me. I got all the way back home, and we both realized that the die wasn't with the cutter. Had to go all the way back to her house today to get it. Mommies with sick children should not try to make a transaction. I then forgot to pay her. Now, it's going to be Sunday, no mail, and snow. Great. Fortunately, all invitees are either family or "family", and already know about the party, and have RSVP'd.  The invitations are just a "fun" addition to the day.

I have no idea what we're serving our guests.
I have not cut out a single fondant butterfly.
Got a lot of "cleaning up" to do.

This child was the first to get sick. She has had 2 illnesses, back-to-back, culminating in both a sinus infection and pneumonia after a brief rally. She wins the prize for highest fever, topping out at 104*, a high fever for her is very unusual. Pneumonia diagnosis came after the first antibiotic, prescribed for the sinus infection (which Dr. Mom knew was more than a sinus infection because at that point she had been fever free for a couple of days and had a return of low fever, and a wet cough - but actual doc said "nope, not in her lungs"), and her fever had gone away. Suddenly it returned to nearly 103*.

Early stages of illness

With Pneumonia and sinus infection

This child pictured below, has Pneumonia and continued general snottiness, which followed his back-to-back illnesses and has been sick for eternity.

This one here,
had a clearing up of the goop of the nose, didn't have anything get to her lungs, but has decided to vomit on me once per day. Methinks sinus infection, and so this one too, is on an antibiotic. She was snotty for 2 weeks, and I think that she's having drainage-causing upset tummy.

Driving you babies back and forth to the doctor's office is really getting tiresome!

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